Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I Worry about Little Girls.....

The marketing of clothing for children has increased tremendously over the last twenty years. Clothing has always been a way to rebel and express yourself. I remember girls at thirteen dressing like is the five year old girls that would want to dress like her. I have also been blessed with seeing how a little boy versus a little girl have to grow up in this new world.

My first born son was a very intelligent, sweet and emotional baby and toddler. He made friends easily and even to this day is not shy about entering a room and talking with complete strangers. I heard early rumblings in my son's preschool class from the teachers concerning the girl clothing issues occurring in class. Eventually I was pulled aside by the preschool teacher and told that I needed to witness something that was occurring daily to my son. As the three year olds were coming into class and taking their seats....certain little girls would go up to my son and massage their asses and ask him if their butt looked cute in their pants. Now my three year old son barely looked up from his blocks and shrugged his shoulders. Since she did not get the response she wanted she moved onto to the next little boy. I got my first lesson in the dawn of little girldom.....they grow up way faster and are more aggressive.

I later found out that due to the marketing of sexy clothes AKA Brittney Spears tramp clothes....preschool girls were caring more about their ass than their ABCs. I overhead a conversation a few weeks later waiting to pick my son up from school. One of the Moms was fretting because she couldn't find the thong her daughter wanted for her FOURTH birthday. It was that day that I swore that I wouldn't survive raising a daughter in this day and age. The overt sexiness of little girl clothes drives me crazy. I am a huge fan of Healthtex because the company dresses girls like little girls.

Fast forward six months later and low and behold I get pregnant ...with a GIRL. I promise myself to keep her little and innocent as long as I can....even if that means hiding her in the basement until she is eighteen. My path of innocence lasts until my four year old little girl turns out to my the tallest little girl on the percentage charts. In fact she looks like a seven year old and clothes now become an issue. I have to hunt to find appropriate clothing that isn't too short or too tight. Retailers make it difficult to do so and find ebay my best friend.

I worry more about raising my daughter in this day and age versus my son. Already the four and five year old girls have separated themselves into is the Mean Girls of the preschool set. My son's friends meanwhile will hang with anyone who has a soccer ball, bike, a Wii or likes Star Wars.

I try to keep my daughter's life filled with play, sports and education. She still hits me up with questions like "Mom...when will my big breasts come in.....or How long will it take for me to finally grow a penis?" I don't mind answering her questions as long as she doesn't ask me for a thong for her fifth birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is due to both TV exposure and parents. Kids imitate their parents more than one realizes. I would not be surprised to learn that the young girls who massaged their a** either saw their Mom do that or saw it on TV.